Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Some friends come into your life for some reason. And surely they bring some experience for you to learn. When she came to my life, she brings joy to me. And makes me realize that I’ve been so lucky in life.
She’s been through a lot. Misery for exactly. So she deserves what she (almost) get now.
Tapi gw sedihhhh krn dia mau pindah jauh. Hiksss…
(I try so hard for not letting her saw my tears coming out, tapi ngga bisa.
Akhirnya kita malah nangis berdua, hahahaha. Too early actually.)

Iri juga sedikit…not to the fact that he’s filthy fucking rich, but to the fact that he’s so rich and so in love with her. Hahahaha. Sama aja ya.
But I’m happy for her, very happy, finally the time has come for her.
Gonna miss you bad…bad…

This is part of my conversation through YM with beloved sister
na: disini lg riweh nih
na: angel lg baru mengabarkan berita ttg dia ke anak2
na: jd heboohhh rame
na: gw jd agak mellow denger cerita angel
na: she is so luckyyyy
na: cowoknya tuh yg so in loovveee with her
Eneng: jd pgn liat calonnya
na: and he's filthy fucking rich
na: dia punya club di hongkong yg selalu didatengin artis2 such as al pacino, jackie chen dll
Eneng: club apa?
Eneng: gilakkk
Eneng: bener2 cinderella story bgt
na: kayaknya yg bikin gw iri bukan the fact that he's fucking rich. Ya ada sih part itu
na: but to the fact that he is rich and he's so in love with angel, hehehhee
na: cowok kalo tajir doang tp udah ga in love mah jatohnya punya cewek baru
Eneng: gilak gmn yah car nyari org kaya gitu.
na: ga tau makanya gw jd mellow
na: gw sih ga mau juga laki gw jd kaya raya kayak gitu
na: serem dia bakal ada simpenan
Eneng: tp kalo gw disuruh ngelewatin semua yg angel has been through, i prefer my life deh
na: iya sehhh benerrr banget
Eneng: biarpun endingnya kaya skr
na: gw juga mikir gitu
na: kalo untuk dapetin cowok kayak gitu tp gw harus lewatin semua yg angel lewatin....yahh thank you so much i'm sorry goodbye deh
na: so i think she deserves it
Eneng: iyalah.

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